Learn the secrets to writing an outstanding personal statement that will put you ahead of the competition
The experts at UniMed including university admissions experts, doctors and medical students have assessed hundreds of medicine personal statements from successful applicants and know exactly what the universities are looking for.
This 1-day course will take you through every step in the personal statement process, from planning to perfecting. Through a mixture of interactive lectures and small group exercises you will have a personal statement that is interesting, relevant, passionate, and reflects your personality.
You will finish the day with a full 1st draft personal statement.
The personal statement is the first opportunity a medical school gets to see your personality, where you get to stand out from the crowd and show that you have what it takes to be a future doctor. The personal statement often decides which candidates get invited for interview.
Many excellent candidates lose out on a place at medical school because they don’t understand what universities want to read in their medicine personal statement. Book now and get into medicine!