EU student application numbers on the rise thanks to Brexit
An UCAS analysis of applications for full-time undergraduate programmes has revealed that UK university enrolments have soared by more than 2,500 compared with the same period last year.
This sees the first growth in the three years since…
Competition to get into medical school fiercer than ever as application numbers rise
Statistics have shown that those looking to gain a place at a medical school here in the UK are going to have to work even harder as application numbers in 2018 soared by the largest increase in decades.
UCAS reported a total of 20,730 applications…
How to choose your ideal university shortlist in 5 easy steps
If you’re thinking that a medical degree is the academic career path for you, then it’s never too soon to start thinking about university options.
Here’s how to shortlist your medical schools of choice in five easy steps
Find the…
Five things to do before you apply to medical school
If you’re going to be finishing your A Levels this year and have your heart set on heading off the medical school with the hope of one day joining the medical profession, before you start pinging off those applications left, right and centre,…
Having second thoughts about medical school? Here’s what to do about it
As you start to reach that crucial time when you'll be starting to send off applications to medical school, you may begin to wonder if a career in the medical profession is the right path for you.
Although you might have spent the last few…
Being a student is getting more expensive, so how far will your student loan stretch?
With the average cost of a UK medical loan costing in excess of £9,000 a year, studying for the medical profession is more expensive than ever.
There are a wide range of bursaries, loans and grants available to students studying medical…
How to become a doctor for a day
Getting experience of the medical profession before you’ve even started your medical degree can be tough, but the university application process gives priority to those applicants that can prove that they’ve had some sort of work-based experience.
What impact will Brexit have on those seeking a career in the NHS?
With the UK due to leave the EU in March 2019, many students looking to start their journey towards a medical career are concerned about the impact that Brexit will have on their employment prospects once they’ve completed their degrees.
1 Key Tip You Need to Stand Out in Medical School Applications
Olivia Szepietowski describes one key idea to make yourself stand out from other applicants in medical school applications and interviews: starting your own Medical Society!
Why good grades are no longer enough to secure a place at medical school
Unfortunately for those looking to start their academic career in the medical sector, the fight to secure a place is tougher than ever as an estimated fifty applicants are vying for one space on degree courses.
This has led to potential students…