As you start to reach that crucial time when you’ll be starting to send off applications to medical school, you may begin to wonder if a career in the medical profession is the right path for you.
Although you might have spent the last few years studying your A levels and dreaming of gaining a place at the medical school of your choice, it’s entirely normal for you to begin to question if medical school is right for you or if you wouldn’t be happier following another career route or doing something completely different instead.
These nerves are very common as the UCAS application dates begin to creep closer and closer. To make sure that you aren’t just letting any doubts get the better of you and to help you reaffirm that a career in medicine is the perfect fit for you, here are a few tips to help you make your mind up once and for all.
Revisit your reasons
At the point that you first considered a career in the medical profession, you probably had several reasons for doing so. Now is the perfect time to revisit these reasons to see if they still hold strong or if you’ve had a change of heart.
Are you willing to put the time in?
Medical degrees aren’t easy by any stretch of the imagination, so you’ve still got to be 100% committed to putting in plenty of time and effort to help you achieve your goals.
If you find yourself being tempted by the idea of travelling the world, working for a little while to raise some money or just having a break from your studies, perhaps now isn’t a good time to pursue your idea of going to medical school as you’ll need to be confident that you’re willing to stay the course.
Give it a try
If you still want to go to medical school but are worried that you won’t enjoy the course as much as you previously thought, then why not join us on one of our Doctor for a Day courses?
Here, you’ll be able to try your hand at suturing, venepuncture, CPR and cardiac arrest and patient care skills – all things that will give you a real feel for the role and can also help improve your chances of acceptance into medical school as the day counts as work experience for you to add to your personal statement.
To find out more about our Doctor for a Day course, click here.